onsdag 25 juli 2012


I love landscapes! They change all the time with light and distance. Makes me feel small int the big.
Integrates me like an ant in nature. Reminds me of being thankful for having a part in the drama that
nature is.

måndag 23 juli 2012


This is a perfect project when rain and storm is keeping you inside and it´s holiday time.
Carving is a very meditating thing to do and here I tried it out on a piece of newspaper.

onsdag 18 juli 2012

in between

In beween other work I need to just make small compositions
to warm up and I love to use bits and pieces of no other use.
These placemats have already been used and I love them.

torsdag 12 juli 2012

tisdag 10 juli 2012

more winter

These two are parts of my upcoming exhibition in november. It´s all about winter and I am
working to get things ready now. It has been in my head since last year and it has been a
challenging process for me. So many memories from my childhood is coming up when I try
to translate feelings into textiles

söndag 8 juli 2012


If you go really close there is always inspiration around. 
This piece of a torn panel makes me think of a birch tree.

fredag 6 juli 2012

recycled fabric

 I am so proud to show you my beautiful art teacher, Henriette Ousbäck, who is an embroiderer, and she is wearing my
necklace made of recyled fabrics (mens shirts, used clothes and found pieces.
I think it matches  her colours so well

Here is a brooch I made and it fits my dress so perfect.

tisdag 3 juli 2012

tiny landscapes

These little ones are some of the landscapes I do right now. I love searching for fabrics, mostly homemade, to look for a feeling of mountain in the distance.
Can´t stop myself !